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Be inspired and engaged by Mathematics

Here is a flavour of the different activities that take place in Mathematics at our school.
Click on the images and pictures below to find out more.


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Mathematics is important in everyday life. Many forms of employment, science and technology, medicine, the economy and public decision making, in many different cultures, have contributed to the development and application of mathematics... and it can stimulate moments of wonder when a pupil solves a problem for the first time.                                                                                                                        Therefore …


…It is our intent that, by the time they leave Wilkinson Primary School, all our learners will: aspire to view mathematics as essential to everyday life, have a positive attitude towards the subject and to be successful in reasoning mathematically and solving complex problems, enjoying the subject, and making a good start in becoming fluent users of mathematics. 


At Wilkinson Primary School our Mathematics Curriculum is designed with the intent that whilst studying the children will develop:

  • A positive attitude to mathematics as an interesting and valuable subject.

  • An ability to think clearly and logically in mathematics with confidence, independence of thought and flexibility of mind.

  • An understanding of mathematics through a process of enquiry and experiment.

  • Persistence through a sustained piece of work, working both co-operatively, collaboratively and independently.

  • Confidence in mathematics which will allow children to express ideas fluently, talk about the subject using the language of mathematics.

  • An appreciation of when a task should be done quickly in one’s head and when it is reasonable to resort to pencil and paper or equipment.

  • An understanding of the importance of mathematics in everyday life.

  • An enthusiasm and enjoyment for maths and awareness that maths is fun!


Curriculum Design and Development

Researching and developing the most recent thinking in mathematics is seen as key to the improvement of the subject at our school. Mathematics at Wilkinson is taught following the White Rose Maths scheme, supplemented by an early years programme called Ten Town, which is designed to improve number recognition and formation from the foundation stage onwards.  Our work is designed to support a Mastery approach to teaching and learning with number at its heart.  Teachers plan for a curriculum that stays within the ideal of depth before breadth whilst ensuring that children stay together as a group when moving through the scheme.  Plenty of opportunities are provided for reasoning and problem solving elements to be planned into the curriculum.  We believe that when children are introduced to a new concept then they should have the ability to build competency by taking the CPA (Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract) approach to learning.

Click below to find out about the prestigious Maths events we are involved in. 
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CPA Focus
A main school strategy

At our school we are continually striving to embed and develop the CPA (Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract) model of teaching throughout the school.   A continual programme of training focuses on giving the children lots of opportunities to embed their learning by using concrete apparatus in as many ways as possible.  Staff then concentrate on moving teaching onto showing children how to transfer these skills to the pictorial and, where appropriate, the abstract. For the most effective learning to take place, children need to constantly go back and forth between each of the stages. This ensures concepts are reinforced and understood.

School Maths Challenge
A challenge for Key Stage 1 and 2

Everyone can achieve in Maths is a belief we hold strongly in school.  All children in Key Stage 1 and 2 take part in our in school Mathematics challenge, that we run half termly, and it proves ever popular with the ‘Limited Edition competition badge’ being one that is highly sought after! 

Ten Town
Number Recognition and Formation

Ten Town is the unique early years numeracy scheme designed to improve number recognition and formation. Meet King One, Fiona Five, Sir Seven and all their Ten Town friends as they bring numbers alive in exciting animations, games, activities and even their own online TV channel - Ten Town TV!

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Mathematics and E-Learning
Our E-Learning Focus

With an eye on the use of technology we continue our long standing relationships, subscribing to TTS Rockstars and MyMaths to supplement our homework programme, with each child throughout Key Stage One and Two having access. 

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Magical Maths
A Super Fun Magical Experience

'Maths is Fun' is a belief that we promote whilst teaching at our school. Magical Maths is an after school maths programme on offer where exciting assemblies are delivered, to ‘wow’ students, which are then followed up with after school clubs.

The Borcherds Challenge
A long standing relationship with King Edward's School, Birmingham

An annual event is our participation in the ‘Borcherds Shield’, a competition held by King Edwards School, Birmingham.  190 schools, predominantly from the Birmingham area, take part across two year groups and it is named after a former pupil of King Edward’s School who was awarded the Fields Medal, the mathematical equivalent of the Nobel Prize.  We make the journey across the Midlands twice a year to participate in the prestigious event.  We were champions in 2023 and qualified for the final again in 2024.

24 Heat Champions
Primary Mathematics Challenge
Silver Medal Winners

Another annual challenge we take part in is the national Primary Mathematics Challenge for children in Year 5 and 6, run by the Mathematical Association. This year we achieved strong results and Bhuvaan in Year 6 won a silver award.  Go Bhuvaan! Go Wilkinson!!