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Parent Teacher Association

Our PTA is an active body of parents, teachers and friends of the school. The PTA seeks to promote good staff-parent relations, to support our children and to provide social events which form a vital link between school and community. Our annual Easter Bingo is very well attended and great fun for all the family! The younger children make and taste pancakes with PTA members. They also provide and serve refreshments for many events such as learning outcomes and performances.


Close to Christmas, members can be found wrapping hundreds of books for Father Christmas to present to the children.  Any money raised from our events goes back to the children in the form of extra resources and prizes.


The PTA liaise with our school council, assist in the review of policies and played an integral part of our Leading Parent Partnership Award (LPPA) which we received for the second time in July 2019.


New faces are always welcome – please contact Miss Duffield for details. We have a Volunteers in School policy and agreement which can be found under our school policies section. All PTA members are also DBS checked.

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