Care Facility
The Care Facility is very well used and greatly valued by many parents. We operate a waiting list for those who express an interest.
Opening hours are Monday to Friday 7:45am – 5.15pm.
Morning session - £3.00.
After school until 4pm - £4.00
After School any time after 4pm and up until 5.15pm - £7.00
10% discount if more than one child in a family uses the facility.
For more information contact:
Mrs H. Richards (Care Manager)
Mrs R. Hall / Mrs K. Anderson (Assistant Care Managers)
Tel: 01902 558971/73
Ofsted Registration No: 104325
Important Information

Times of the School Day
AM Nursery & AM T42’s - drop off 8.30am, collection at 11.30am
PM Nursery & PM T42’s - drop off 12.00pm, collection at 3.00pm
Reception, Year 1 and 2 - drop off at 8.30am and collection at 2.55pm
Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 - drop off at 8.30am and collection at 3:10pm
Children in the same family should be collected with the earliest child to avoid parent’s having to wait or come to school multiple times.
Weekly Total Hours
Key Stage 1: 32 hours 5 minutes
Key Stage 2: 33 hours 20 minutes
Arrivals and Collections
At the start of the day:
Upon arrival, please drop your child off at the MAIN GATES at 8:30 a.m.
At the end of the day:
Children in family groups will be brought out together with the youngest child. Please arrive at the pick up time of your earliest child’s year group.
Nursery/T42s: Collection will be from the Nursery Gate or T42s' building at 11:30 a.m. / 3:00 p.m.
Reception: From outside the Old Nursery Gate, please queue down the main driveway at 2:55 p.m.
Year 1: From the Main Gate, please wait in the hatched area outside the main gate at 2:55 p.m.
Year 2: From outside Care, please queue down the pedestrian pathway at 2:55 p.m.
Year 3: From outside the Old Nursery Gate, please queue down the main driveway at 3:10 p.m.
Year 4: From outside Care, please queue down the pedestrian pathway at 3:10 p.m.
Year 5: From the Main Gate, please wait in the hatched area outside the main gate at 3:10 p.m.
Year 6: From the Top Gate at 3:10 p.m.
Children will be sent to you once you are at the head of the queue, please do not 'jump the queue'.
Children will only be dismissed to known, recognised adults. If the person collecting your child is likely to be different it is vital that you ring the school office and inform us of who this will be.
Children remain the responsibility of their parents until they enter in the morning and once they are dismissed at the end of their session.
Children leaving school early for any reason will need to be signed out at the office.
Emergency Arrangements
It is our policy to remain open unless there is a risk to the health and safety of staff and students. Please listen to local radio, check our school website, school app or the council website for information regarding school closure. If you have a mobile telephone, you will receive a text message from school by 7.30am.
If your number has recently changed, it is important for you to inform the office of your new number on 01902 558971 or email wilkinsonprimaryschool@wolverhampton.gov.uk.
If for any reason your child is to be absent from school please telephone 01902 558971 before 9.00am on each day of absence, to explain the reason.
We monitor attendance on a regular basis and liaise with parents and our Educational Welfare Officer should we have concerns. Where deemed necessary an Attendance Support Plan (parent contract) will be put in place. The annual target for attendance is 97%.
Good Attendance
Attendance badges are awarded for each half term that a child achieves 100% attendance. When a child achieves 100% attendance in school for half a term they will be awarded a silver attendance badge. If a child is present across both half terms during a term, then they will be awarded a gold attendance badge. If a child achieves 100% attendance over a whole school year they will be awarded a diamond attendance badge.
The class with the most 100% weekly attendances, during a half term, get to visit our ‘Wilkazon’ shop and choose a prize.
Classes with 2 100% weekly attendances during a half term are allowed to come in non-uniform for a day.
Family Award
Children who achieve 100% attendance across the whole year will go into a prize draw where family prizes can be won.
Absence can only be authorised for:
• Illness.
• Medical or dental reasons.
• Religious observations.
• Agreed holidays – exceptional circumstances.
• Exclusions.
Absence is unauthorised when:
• No reason has been given for an absence.
• Children have arrived late after registers have been closed and no adequate reason has been provided
• A reason has been given but it was not accepted by the Head Teacher.
Parents should endeavour to arrange their family holidays within the school holidays, so that their child’s educational progress is not affected. Following Government guidance, Governors have decided that holidays in term time will not be authorised. If it is necessary to take holidays during term time, a Leave of Absence form must be completed (available from school). This should be returned at least three weeks before the holiday. It must be noted that the Headteacher can only authorise holidays under exceptional circumstances.
The Headteacher will under no circumstances authorise holidays in May or September.
Please make sure all items of uniform are clearly labelled with your child's name.
If you would like to order sticky name labels for your child's uniform please click the link to STIKINS and use the School Fundraising Number 25375, which will help raise extra funds for school.
At Wilkinson we take great pride in our appearance. A school uniform helps promote a sense of belonging and community. All children are expected to wear uniform at all times as follows:
• Grey pinafore dress or skirt.
• White blouse.
• School tie.
• Green cardigan/jumper alternatively a school sweatshirt/sweat cardigan
• Sensible shoes, black with low heels. Boots of any description are not allowed to be worn inside school e.g. Rockport/ Timberland. (Girls wearing unsuitable shoes will be asked to change into their pumps in school). No trainers.
• Grey/white/black socks. Tights, if worn, must be grey, black or green
• In summer girls may wear a green checked dress.
• Physical Education: green shorts, white short sleeved top. Black or green tracksuits may be worn in the winter months.
• Pumps for indoors/ trainers for outside.
• Grey short trousers (Year 6 only wear long grey trousers).
• White shirt.
• School tie.
• Green jumper or school sweatshirt. Grey/black socks.
• Black shoes –Boots of any description are not allowed to be worn inside the building e.g. Rockport/Timberland. No trainers or trainer like shoes.
• Physical Education: green shorts & white short sleeved top. Black or green tracksuits may be worn in the winter months.
• Pumps for indoors/ trainers for outdoors.
• Long trousers/jogging bottoms may be worn over shorts when outside in inclement weather but must be removed whilst in school.
The following items can be purchased from the school office:
Jumpers, cardigans, coats, PE t-shirts with school logo, PE shorts, tracksuits, PE bags, book bags and ties. If not in stock, they can be ordered.
When your child starts with us school will provide their first tie in their house colour and a book bag free of charge.
We have in school a stock of pre-loved uniform which can be purchased for a small donation. Anyone interested just needs to enquire at the school office.
• No jewellery is to be worn with the exception of a watch and small, plain ear studs.
• No dyed hair or patterns cut in.
• No nail polish to be worn in school.
• Mobile phones and smart watches are not allowed in School.
• Long hair must be tied up. A green headband, bobble and/or small hair clip can be worn.
Safeguarding and Child Protection
All of our staff receive safeguarding training and have the responsibility to provide a safe environment in which children can learn. For further information please click here.
Our children are surrounded by technology both in and out of school. Our job is to ensure that our children have the necessary knowledge, skills and understanding to safely exist in the online world, so they become good digital citizens. Systems are in place to safeguard children whilst they are online in school.
Both you and your child will be asked to read and sign our Acceptable User Agreement. Please see the Internet Safety tab for further information.
At Wilkinson we have high expectations of behaviour for adults and children alike. We expect our children to behave well, cooperate and work hard. Everyone is clear about their rights and responsibilities and also the consequences of poor behaviour. Reward systems are in place and successes are celebrated. We also have an anti-bullying scheme in place as well as trained peer mentors to help support children.
Health and Medical
Please ensure that we have full and up to date information with regard to any health issues your child may have. The school nursing team may be contacted on 01902 444418/19
Our school nurse is Julie Thomas (she is also a governor).
Please refer to our Medical Policy for further details.
If a doctor prescribes medicine to be administered 4 times a day or for any other special arrangements, then a medical consent form must be completed by the parent. Medicine will be kept in the main office.
Children who are absent from school because of vomiting and/or diarrhoea must be kept at home for 24 hours following the last episode.
Accidents and first aid
Any minor cuts or grazes are dealt with by staff. Other injuries will be assessed by a member of the Senior Management Team and appropriate action will be taken. This may involve a parent being contacted and/or a report slip being sent home. All staff are First Aid trained.
Allergic Reactions
Those children who have severe allergic reactions and have been prescribed an epi-pen must supply school with one (or two ideally). Staff are trained to administer this should an emergency arise.
All prescribed inhalers are kept in the medical cupboard in the administration area. Please provide a spacer where necessary and ensure that both are clearly labelled with the child’s name and class. These will be taken on any trips out of school. Please note down the expiry date of these and replace when due.
Food in School
School meals
We offer an exciting and popular lunchtime menu, designed in line with the government’s statutory standards for school meals. A vegetarian option is available.
You can view the school meal menu by visiting www.wolverhampton.gov.uk/catering.
Supervision is provided by lunch time supervisors. Members of senior staff are also on duty.
Free school meals
All children in Foundation and Years 1 and 2 are eligible for free schools meals.
Children in years 3 and above may be able to claim free school meals. Apply online or contact the school office. For further details regarding free school meals see http://www.wolverhampton.gov.uk/freeschoolmeals.
Dinner money
Dinner money is collected on Mondays. We will advise you of the cost. Money is not normally collected during the week except where a child has been absent.
Allergy information and special menus
Some of our menu items contain allergens, including…cereals containing gluten, milk, eggs, fish, shellfish, soya, celery, mustard, sulphites, sesame and lupin.
• Peanuts and nuts are also classed as allergens, but these are not used on our menu.
• Wolverhampton Council is happy to cater for special diets by prior arrangement.
• You must inform the school office of any food allergy or intolerance and/or other medical conditions.
Packed lunch
We encourage pupils who eat a packed lunch to enjoy a balanced diet including, for example, a sandwich, cereal bar and a piece of fruit. We would ask that you support the school in its policy by ensuring packed lunches include a balanced, healthy choice of food.
We do not allow cans, glass bottles, fizzy drinks, sweets, chocolate or foods high in sugar or salt in school.
Fruit and drinks
All children in Early Years, Year 1 and Year 2 are provided with free fruit every day by the Government Fruit and Vegetables for Schools Scheme; snacks do not need to be provided from home. To encourage children to try a variety of foods, different fruits are provided throughout the week such as oranges, apples, grapes, raisins, pears and plums. If your child has any allergies, please ensure that we are made aware so that an alternative fruit may be provided that day.
Free milk is available for all children until the term after they are 5. After this, milk can be paid for on a termly basis. We will advise you of the cost.
Alternatively, water is available in the classroom and children may bring in their own water bottle (water or squash only).
Year 3, 4, 5 and 6
Children in Key Stage 2 may bring in a snack from home. Mid-morning snacks may include a piece of fresh or dried fruit, vegetables or a cereal bar. Children should not bring in biscuits, chocolate bars or foods high in sugar or salt for snack time.
Brown bread toast is available from Years 1 – 6 and should be ordered at the beginning of the school day. The cost is 10p a slice.
Hydration is important and aids learning and we encourage children to drink water regularly. Children should bring in their own drinks bottle filled with either water or squash. Water and cups are available in every classroom.
Special Educational Needs
All children throughout the school are carefully and continuously assessed. If a child is struggling the class teacher may approach the Special Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO). They will investigate whether there may be an underlying special educational need (SEN) causing the difficulties. If, after a period of intervention, SEN is identified, the child will receive additional support to address this need and will be placed on the SEN register. This will help track the support that they receive. Parents will be consulted at all times throughout this process.
We are very pleased to be able to offer swimming lessons to every child in the school. We have arranged for a temporary swimming pool to be set up at school for the whole of the summer term. The pool is 10m long, 5m wide, 1m deep and will be heated and enclosed in a marquee. Children will have a 30 minute session every week, in small groups taught by qualified swimming instructors and supervised by staff. Changing facilities are provided in individual pods.
We hope that this will enable us to achieve the Government target of every child being able to swim 25m by the time they leave school.
For the sessions, children will need a practical one-piece swimming costume (girls) or non baggy swimming shorts or trunks (boys); a towel, a dressing gown or robe and flip flops or 'croc' type shoes. Long hair must be tied back or a swimming hat needs to be worn, goggles can be worn but must be a tight fit. This should all fit in a swimming bag or plastic bag.
No jewellery can be worn during swimming sessions. All jewellery, including studs, must be removed.
For children in Nursery or Terrific for Twos a parent needs to be present to assist with changing - adults will not be required to enter the water.