The Wilkinson Way
Our curriculum is grounded on the school’s core principle of
“Show Pride and Respect in All That We Do”.
All pupils, staff, governors and parents support this vision,
"The Wilkinson Way”
which drives the highest standards of learning, pupil behaviour and attitudes.
Our Intent
The school motto “Show Pride and Respect in All That We Do” forms the basis of our mission:
enabling the children to:
reach their full Potential,
be Independent learners,
and show Resilience and Excellence.
The innovative and creative curriculum is designed to provide the children with:
the knowledge, skills and understanding so they can achieve in further education
the ability to transfer their skills between subjects allowing them to succeed in modern life
a love for learning and a desire to find out more, so they can reach their full potential and develop independence
challenge, so they can build up resilience
new and exciting experiences, broader horizons, high expectations of their future and to break the constraints of existing expectations allowing them to aim for excellence

Our curriculum is delivered through a termly thematic approach, which is known as ‘The Creative Curriculum’. This allows children to explore links across the curriculum and learning in one ‘subject’ can be reinforced and enhanced in others. The order of themes and the mix of curriculum areas within topics allows pupils to connect new with existing knowledge, developing fluency and unconsciously apply their knowledge and skills. Children also see that exploring a question or topic can involve a multitude of skills from many disciplines.
Each topic begins with the children stepping into a classroom that has been transformed: a Brazillian Jungle, a medieval castle, an air raid shelter, the South Pole or a Mayan temple.
They have a WOW day to introduce their topic and are introduced to the question they will try to answer by the end of the topic: How fast can you go? Where did the Mayans go to? What did the Romans do for us? Were the Vikings all that bad?
The children work towards a Creative Outcome where they showcase the work they have done and their learning. This may take many forms: visits to the local Art Gallery; an award winning e-book, animations, films, traditional books, presentations to parents, exhibitions and even a Rio Carnival!
The curriculum is comprehensively planned, based on detailed curriculum mapping, using the EYFS and National Curriculum as the basis for content and specific skills progressions to ensure expectations, progression and continuity.
Intent & Implementation